Non Starting/Stay Running unit
Midwest Power Equipment
7410 E Saginaw
Haslett, MI

Service Description

When a unit does not start or stay running there are a lot of possibilities as to why. We collect a Diagnostic Fee at drop off or pick that varies from $40.00 - $100.00. A technician will be assigned to your unit, they will go through your unit and come up with an estimate to repair. We will contact you and go over the estimate, you can decide what if any repairs you would like to have done. If you decide to move forward with repairs the diagnostic fee will be applied to your account. if you do not wish to move forward with repairs the diagnostic fee is non refundable. We can recycle the unit for you or we can give it back to you. If you purchase a new or used unit from us within 90 days we will deduct the paid diagnostic fee from your purchase price.